Thursday, July 3, 2008

Am I Really This Cheap?

We went to the pool again today, and I spent some time observing the other families there. During the break time they have each hour, everyone heads back to their towels or chairs and pulls out snacks. Hey, swimming does make you hungry! So while they are pulling bags of potato chips and sodas out of their coolers and picnic baskets, my kids are getting peanut butter crackers and drinking water out of the water bottles that I get out of my bag. I take so little to the pool. Last year, I fit everything we needed, including towels, into one, large, bag. This year, I'm taking the stroller in. I didn't really want to, but after the first time taking Andrew and having no place to put him, made me realize I really needed the stroller. I guess I just don't feel the need to drag all of that stuff to the pool. Or maybe I'm just too cheap to buy all that. Although, my kids do think it's a very special day when I let them share a Twix candy bar out of the vending machine! (Yeah, we've done that once.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No you are not cheap. We go to the pool and it drives me absolutely BONKERS when my kids think they "need" to buy things from that consession stand. Grrr. When my kids were younger, I too brought food in and they were happy as can be. Now? Now that they have OTHER friends who also eat at the consession stand? Well, they think they're deprived when they don't get to buy a 2.00 slushy and a 2.50 hotdog. GIVE ME A BREAK.

Yesterday I told them that we'd go to the pool on Monday (tomorrow) and I said we were bringing our own snacks in because I bought the pool passes and that should be enough. LOL

You're not cheap. You're super smart, if you ask me! :)
