Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We've Been Released!

Today was Andrew's visit with the neurosurgeon.  It was a routine follow-up from his surgery three years ago.  While I was hoping we'd get the all-clear, all of the reading I had done said that they don't usually release patients until they are at least five.  So, I figured we'd have at least one more visit before we were done.  I was also slightly concerned because the back of Andrew's head was, for lack of a better term, lumpy.  If you look at the back of his head from the side, you can see where it indents.  I thought that might require some follow-up surgery of some sort which I was NOT looking forward to.

So, we were supposed to get to his appointment a half hour early at 10:40.  Unfortunately, we didn't quite make it.  First, I misjudged just how long it would take to get all the way to Scottish Rite.  We are a LOT further out than we used to be, and it's a longer trip to just get to 85.  Then, once we got into the parking garage, I found a space quickly, but walking out, I had what can only be described as a pregnancy brain cramp.  I was standing in front of the elevators trying to figure out if I need to go up or down, but then I saw a sign that said to follow the arrow to Meridian Mark Plaza.  I had never done that before, but I thought maybe I had gotten turned around in the garage.  (You have to remember it's been two years since I was there last.)  So, Andrew and I walked across the garage, across a walkway, and into a building I didn't recognize.  Probably should have been a clue.  But, I went in anyway.  After searching the info board for his doctor's name and not finding it, I came to the very logical conclusion that I was in the wrong place.  Back across the walkway, across the parking garage, and to the elevators again.  Once again, I stared.  Thankfully, a very nice man walked up and asked me if I was going up or down.  I had to be truthful and tell him I had absolutely no idea.  He helped me out, and we were actually able to make it to the right office building!  I still walked in 10 minutes before the appointment.

Now, the neurosurgeon's practice only has one doctor in the office at a time.  Wednesday is Andrew's doctor's day.  What that tells you is that if there are five people in the waiting room, you're automatically number six.  I always hated walking in when the place was full.  We came prepared.  I had juice, snacks, and a bag full of cars.  Andrew did great.  He played with his cars and made friends with a rotating cast of patients.  Because we waited, and we waited, and we waited.  I stayed pretty patient until one family that had come in after us and said their appointment time was 1:00 pm was called back BEFORE us.  By this time (12:20 pm), I was starving, and I had to go to the bathroom.  I hadn't wanted to leave the waiting room to go because I figured that that would be the moment we were called back.  But, after that family got called back, I finally went up to the receptionist to ask when we were going to be called.  She told me next (isn't that what they always say?), and I told her we had to step out, but we'd be right back. 

We finally made it back, and the PA came to see us first.  I told her I was a little concerned about the back of his head, and she said she'd mention it to the doctor.  She left, and we waited another half hour or so (by now it was after 1:00) for the doctor to come.  When he finally came in, he apologized for getting so far behind.  He said that they had a patient who came in from Louisana who they had to fit in and the exam took a long time.  I'm not sure how one patient could get them two hours behind, but whatever.  Anyway, he said that Andrew's head was healing exactly as expected, and it was probably never going to be completely smooth.  He was happy with his development, and so we are officially free!  We can always call if there are issues (which I doubt), but he doesn't think we need to come back.  Unless, it's for baby girl.  Apparently, there's a higher risk of craniosynostosis occurring with subsequent children.  Well, at least I'll know what to expect.  Let's see, this time I could spend Thanksgiving week at Scottish Rite.  :-)

Sunday, June 12, 2011


This week, we slowed down a bit.  The older two boys had an evening sports camp at a local church.  (Well, Nathan signed up for Weird Science and Large Group Games.  That's about as sporty as he gets.)  It was set up like a VBS, but with a sports focus.  They seemed to have a great time, and Andrew loved being by himself in the evenings.

This week, he'll love it even more, because Nathan is off to Cub Scout Day Camp all week, and Matthew will be going to another VBS with a friend from school.  (Sending my boys off to every free VBS in the county.  That's how I roll!)  So, Andrew will have the house to himself every morning!  Of course, he may not get too much of a chance to enjoy it.  Monday, we're going to go to storytime at the library, and Wednesday is his big doctor's visit.  We haven't been to see the neurosurgeon for two years, and this was our summer for a follow-up.  I'm assuming that we'll either be cleared completely, or he'll want us back again in two years before we're released.  One visit makes for a long day.  It's about a 45 minute drive, and then we'll wait for a good hour for a 30 minute or so visit.  But, I am thankful that we live so close to Children's Healthcare.  If we were still in Indiana, the trip would be a whole day, since the only pediatric neurosurgeons work out of Riley in Indianapolis.

Speaking of hospitals, I'll be checking in to one on July 27th to meet this little one!  At my visit on Monday, the doctor and I were able to come to an agreement on a date.  I was hoping for July 25th, but they won't schedule c-sections until you are 39 weeks exactly, and that puts us at the 27th.  I was OK with that, because it's still in that week.  I didn't want to go into the next week, because that puts us right up against school, and I really need to be home for those final preparations (both for the boys and for my classroom).

Our last bit of news is that Jeremy may have full time job!  We got word today that it looks like everything is a go, but I don't want to say too much and jinx it.  (We've had way too many ups and downs for me to risk anything!)  Hopefully, we'll get final confirmation this week.  That will definitely be an answer to prayer as we get ready to add one more person to our household!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Signs of Summer

So, apparently down here in the deep South, we've finished with spring and have gone right into summer.  The last few days have been in the mid-90's, and it looks like it will continue for another week or two at least.  UGH.  Needless to say, we haven't been spending a lot of time outside.  However, we did spend yesterday afternoon at the pool!!  It was a great 2 1/2 hours.  First of all, all three boys burned off a ton of built up energy since they haven't wanted to be out in the heat.  Secondly, the water felt wonderful.  And, finally, there's something so relaxing about sitting in water when you are pregnant.  We all came home a little pink.  (And yes, annoying man at the pool, I did put sunscreen on the three year old.  It's not my first time at the rodeo.)  Plus, everyone fell asleep very quickly last night.

Another sign is the fact that Matthew's off to camp again this week.  He went last year with our church and loved every minute of it.  While we could have sent Nathan this year, we decided against it for a couple of reasons.  First, he's not even eight yet, so he would be one of the youngest.  Plus, we still struggle on occasion with sleeping, and I didn't want to subject someone who didn't know him very well to that.  Next year, if Jeremy can go as a chaperone, then we'll send him.  Matthew is going to be in the same cabin as one of his best friends from school.  He was up this morning early and ready to walk out the door before Jeremy was even dressed to take him!  He'll be home on Sunday afternoon, tired, hot, stinky, and hungry.

We're still in a holding pattern about setting a date for baby girl's arrival.  I was hoping that I could do it at my last doctor's visit on Tuesday, but he told me that they wait until 32 weeks to schedule.  I have another appointment on Monday, so hopefully (fingers crossed) we'll be able to nail down a date then.  I have one in my mind, it's just a matter of getting the doctor to agree to it.