I finally talked to a doctor late Monday night. At about 5:30, I was able to get a hold of the doctor's paging service, and after pretty much telling the lady I wasn't going to get off of the phone until she paged a doctor, she agreed. The doctor I talked to was the one who had been in on Monday, so she was able to tell me what she could remember from reading the x-ray report. Then, today, I called the office again to talk more in-depth with someone. I spoke to the nurse practitioner who originally saw him last Thursday (Has it only been a week?). Anyway, according to the radiologist's report, there is some partial fusing of the skull bones. I forgot to ask if it's just one suture or more than one, but from what I read, more than one is usually very rare. From this point, we need to be referred to a neurosurgeon, so she was going to fax all of his information to the surgeon today. She said we should hear from them by the end of this week. It sounds like we'll probably need to have a CT scan to give the doctor a better idea of what's going on. After that, who knows? It could be wait and see, it could be a helmet to help shape the skull, or it could be surgery. We'll have to let the surgeon tell us that. I was able to stop by school today and let my principal know what's going on. I'm scheduled to return to work on Monday, and I just wanted to let her know that the return date has become a little fluid. She was very understanding, and my sub is willing to stay next week if needed. Right now, it looks like I'll be back on Monday, though.
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