So, apparently down here in the deep South, we've finished with spring and have gone right into summer. The last few days have been in the mid-90's, and it looks like it will continue for another week or two at least. UGH. Needless to say, we haven't been spending a lot of time outside. However, we did spend yesterday afternoon at the pool!! It was a great 2 1/2 hours. First of all, all three boys burned off a ton of built up energy since they haven't wanted to be out in the heat. Secondly, the water felt wonderful. And, finally, there's something so relaxing about sitting in water when you are pregnant. We all came home a little pink. (And yes, annoying man at the pool, I did put sunscreen on the three year old. It's not my first time at the rodeo.) Plus, everyone fell asleep very quickly last night.
Another sign is the fact that Matthew's off to camp again this week. He went last year with our church and loved every minute of it. While we could have sent Nathan this year, we decided against it for a couple of reasons. First, he's not even eight yet, so he would be one of the youngest. Plus, we still struggle on occasion with sleeping, and I didn't want to subject someone who didn't know him very well to that. Next year, if Jeremy can go as a chaperone, then we'll send him. Matthew is going to be in the same cabin as one of his best friends from school. He was up this morning early and ready to walk out the door before Jeremy was even dressed to take him! He'll be home on Sunday afternoon, tired, hot, stinky, and hungry.
We're still in a holding pattern about setting a date for baby girl's arrival. I was hoping that I could do it at my last doctor's visit on Tuesday, but he told me that they wait until 32 weeks to schedule. I have another appointment on Monday, so hopefully (fingers crossed) we'll be able to nail down a date then. I have one in my mind, it's just a matter of getting the doctor to agree to it.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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