Tuesday night, I went to a "Mom's Night Out Goes Green" at a farm near me. (Yes, we do have farms in metro Atlanta! You just have to drive to get to them. I'm actually closer to "the country" now that we've moved.) Anyway, one of the presenters was one of the moms on www.gwinnettareamommies.com . She owns her own company selling cloth diapers and other "green" products to moms. (Here's her site.) She was great. She told people easy and fairly inexpensive things that they can do to use less paper products in their homes. She's even (almost) convinced me to buy some cloth training pants for Andrew! I learned some great ideas that I can use at home right now.
I wasn't as crazy about the 2nd presenter. She owns a company that sells bulk grains, baking products, etc. (It's a place my Aunt Sandy would have LOVED.) But, instead of teaching us how to use more natural products in our cooking, she resorted to scare tactics. You've heard it before: Even the "healthy" products at the grocery store are bad for you; the way food is prepared means that there's no nutritional value in it anymore; you must make everything from scratch (I'm a working mom, so it's not going to happen!). It may just be me, but I'm completely turned off by that. Believe me, I know that there are lots of things that aren't good for me, but when someone tries to tell me that nothing you buy at the store is good for you, I have a tendency to go "Seriously?" It was just a real turn-off. While they may have had some good products, I just wasn't even interested in buying them. Not the best way to promote your product.
But do go to Emily's site! She's got lots of great things there!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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