Before I start, I blame all of this on my Aunt Judy. You'll see why in a minute. :-)
Matthew is starting soccer this week! He's mentioned it off and on for a while because one of our routes to church on Wednesday takes us right past the soccer complex, and he would see the kids play. But it was never a big thing. That changed this summer. My cousin Penny was down here visiting her mom, and her oldest son, Jon, introduced Matthew to soccer. They played one Sunday evening when we went over for dinner. Matthew had a blast. Plus, he was pretty good! (To my untrained eye.) I figured it wouldn't be too long before he was asking about playing. He waited until we were home. Being the wonderful mom that I am, I decided to sign him up. (Actually, I had already decided to put him in something this fall, so it worked out fabulously.) I picked up a soccer ball and backpack a couple of months ago when the Wal-Mart near me did a big clearance before they remodeled, and Matthew and I went out tonight to get him cleats, shin guards, and socks. His first practice is tomorrow, and he's getting pretty excited. They'll only play on Saturdays, and the games only last an hour or so, so it won't stress the schedule too much. With this and KidzLife on Wednesdays, he's going to stay pretty busy. No time to bother Nathan then. Wow, this really is a great plan! :-)
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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