So, as I posted yesterday, we got back yesterday morning from vacation. While we had a great time, it was good to be home. One thing I've discovered is that vacation is brutal with an eight month old child's routine. Andrew was doing really well, but with being gone, he's struggling a little bit to fall back into his routine. Plus, he caught a cold while we were gone, so he's had that to deal with as well.
We got home yesterday a little before 7. We fed Andrew, then the other two needed food as well. Of course, since we had been gone for a week, there wasn't a whole lot in the house. We had a couple of boxes of cereal, but we needed milk. So, Jeremy headed off to get milk while I tried to keep Nathan from wandering the house moaning "Hungry, hungry." (It's really fun to listen to, so if anyone knows how to get him to stop, I may fall on my knees to thank you.) Of course, I had been up for much of the night, so I was really hungry too! (I did refrain from moaning like Nathan, however.) After we had some breakfast, I fell asleep for about an hour. Then it was off to the grocery store to replenish our kitchen.
Then, last night, I had promised the boys I would take them to McDonald's last night for supper. We went up to the drive thru, and I ordered for all of us. Then, when I got up to the window, I handed the kid my debit card. He got ready to swipe it, then said "He didn't tell you cash only, didn't he?" Umm, no, because if he had, I wouldn't be handing you my card! So, he asked me if I had the cash to pay for it. Again, no, all I had was about two dollars. So I asked him if I could write a check. He told me that they didn't take checks. So you're telling me that it's impossible for you to take a check for $10?? Instead, you're willing to throw away three meals. I should have asked for the manager, but I was so irritated, I just pulled away. Now, I had two boys who had been counting on McDonald's, and I couldn't figure out where there was a closer one. I offered Chik-fil-A, but that was shot down since "they don't have toys." (You can see what my kids find important in fast food.) I was going to drive down 78 to find a McDonald's, but they are doing construction on 78 and three lanes of traffic coming from Atlanta have to squeeze down to two, and it was 6:30 in the evening, so I'll let you guess what traffic looked like. Finally, I decided on Wendy's and told Matthew if he didn't want it there was always peanut butter and jelly waiting for him. He chose the food, but he spent most of the rest of the evening grumping about it. (He was able to choke down all of the food, though)
Ahh, the joy of returning from vacation. Plus, I got a letter from the state telling me that I have to change my insurance next year since they've decided not to offer Blue Cross Blue Shield next year. Lovely. I'm breaking my resolution about not complaining about insurance.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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