I was just looking at my blog, and it has actually been almost two months since I posted? Yikes! I guess I need to update everyone.
First of all, as most of you know, Andrew had his surgery on April 8th, and he came through with flying colors!! The doctor was very happy with how everything turned out, and at our post-op visit on the 30th, he said we don't need to come back for another four months! Yeah!! Plus, we got all of our insurance back, and all together we will be paying about $1000 for everything. While that is a lot of money, the insurance company paid alot more. Like close to $20,000 more. So, I can't complain. Plus, George W. Bush came through for me, and we got our stimulus check last Friday just before the bills started rolling in. I was able to use a little bit of it to buy a new camera (And, yes, Mr. President, I am expecting a personal thank you note from you for stimulating the economy at Best Buy). The camera was a floor model, and I'm sure the guy at Best Buy thought I was the dumbest person in the store. I had no idea what I wanted. The first camera I picked was a 10 megapixel camera with a 5x optical zoom. Unfortunately, the only way I could get that one was by ordering online. Now, if I wanted to order online, do you think I'd go out on a rainy Saturday in our crappy traffic just to choose a camera? No, I'd stay in my nice, dry house and click and buy. Anyway, after spending another 20 minutes looking at all of the other cameras and trying to decide how much I could spend without Jeremy having a heart attack, I settled on an Olympus Stylus. It's got the 5x zoom, but it's only got 8 megapixels. The guy at Best Buy told me I'd be OK with that though unless I wanted my pictures to be 16 inches by 24 inches. So, I got my camera. I have to go back, though, and get the charger for the battery since he forgot to give that to me. He would have forgotten to give me anything if I hadn't asked about an instruction manual.
I have been so incredibly busy at school. The last day is Wednesday, and a couple of weeks ago, we got a three page checklist of everything we need to do before we can check out on the 23rd (the last teacher day). So far, I've gotten everything done. It hasn't happened all on time, but it's getting done. I was supposed to export my grades for report cards on Wednesday, but they didn't actually get done until this afternoon. I had a good excuse though. I wasn't really expecting a four day trip to Indiana last weekend. While it wasn't a happy reason for going, it was good to see my whole family. I wasn't able to see them in November since we weren't able to go up there for Grandma's funeral. We have decided that we are going to come up with a happy reason, any happy reason to get our families together. Having three funerals in thirteen months stinks. There really isn't any other way to put it. We really need a wedding or a graduation. I'd say a baby, but I already took one for the team there, and it still didn't work out since Grandma died the same day. Thankfully, she at least knew she had a new great-grandson. Grandpa never got to see him face to face, but I know that he heard a lot about him! Especially since Andrew has decided that he wants to make sure he's the topic of every conversation with all of his medical issues.
Speaking of Andrew, I took him the pediatrician a couple of weeks ago, and two very funny things happened. First, he had exactly doubled his birth weight. He was 7 lbs 7 oz at birth, and at the visit he was 14 lbs 14 oz. I'm probably the only person in the whole world who finds that interesting. Then, when the doctor was doing his examination, he checked for the soft spots on the top of Andrew's head. I wanted to say, "Sir, the boy doesn't have your average soft spots anymore!" He had already asked me about the surgery, plus, you can't really miss the scar, so I think it was just habit. Beyond that, he is your average five month old. I'm planning on starting solid food next weekend, so I'll be sure and get pictures up!
Matthew and Nathan are still playing baseball. Matthew's team is playing in their tournament right now. This year, they divided the T-Ball league into two tournaments. The top 8 teams are in Division 1 and the bottom 8 teams are in Division 2. Matthew's team was seeded 9th, so they're the top team in Division 2. Better to be the best of the worst than the worst of the best I guess. It's double elimination, and they've won their first two games, so they'll at least play a couple of more games. Nathan's team doesn't have a tournament. He's still in the league where they don't keep score. Tomorrow is his last game, then we'll have a team party sometime after Memorial Day. While I sad to see the season end, it will be nice to have our Saturdays back. Two Saturdays ago, we were at the park for about six hours. It was a good thing I had brought two bottles for Andrew.
Hopefully, it won't be another two months! Yikes, that would put me at the end of the summer already. Yuck.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
1 comment:
Whew! What a post!
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