After playing phone tag with the doctor's office for three days, I was finally able to set a date for the c-section. This baby will enter the world on. . .(drumroll please) December 10th at 11:00 am. I was hoping to have it the next day on Tuesday, but the only time available was at 8:00 am which meant we would have to be at the hospital by 6:00 am. That wouldn't work with the boys, so we're on for Monday. Yes, I know, I've got to be the only person on the planet who is disappointed that she is going to have the baby a day earlier than she wanted. I'll probably be thankful for that by December.
Jeremy had an interview last week at a radio station in Gainesville (the one in Georgia, not Florida). They have an opening in their news department. He would work from 12pm - 7pm Monday through Friday and then 10am - 3pm on Saturday. He called the guy he interviewed with on Friday, and they had one more person to talk to. The guy also said that they were talking about revamping their news dpeartment, so they may have more openings soon. Plus, he's still in contact with the station in Athens, so he's gone from having little or no interest from stations to now having two stations interested in him! Hopefully, he'll have something set by the end of the month.
The boys are doing pretty well. Matthew was very excited on Friday, because he got to be on the morning announcements at school (the announcements are televised through closed-circuit TV). Our school uses a computer program called Successmaker for reading and math support. Every student uses the program at least once a week, and it moves them through the reading and math levels at their own pace. Well, this week, he graduated from Reading Readiness and moved into Initial Reading (which is beginning of first grade reading skills). Once a child graduates from a level, they get to go on the morning show to tell the whole school they graduated. He thought he was pretty cool.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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