Sparks is go
ing to be a lot more difficult for Matthew than Cubbies was last year. For his first week, he memorized the Sparks motto, My friend for Christ, the Pledge of Allegiance, and John 3:16. Now, most of us may think John 3:16 is really easy, but we've known it for so many years, we don't even realize how long it is. In working with Matthew, I discovered just how long it really is. For next week, we have to memorize the pledge to the Awana flag and the Sparks theme song. Both of those are fairly long too. I guess we won't be able to memorize his verses in the car on the way to church this year! Plus, he has to be more responsible this year about working his way through the book. The church has given us a plan for the year to help him finish the book by the end of March.
I had a great time looking at his book. I was in Sparks when I was in the second grade, and I found my old books not too long ago. My book and his book are not really all that different. They use a lot of the same verses and projects. I haven't shown it to Matthew yet, because I don't know if he'll quite get it. I do wish I had a picture of me in my old Sparks vest. He would get a kick out of that.
Nathan had a blast at his first night. Yesterday, he was already asking me when he goes back to
Cubbies. He is in a different group than the one that I am helping with. That's a good thing, because the instant that he sees me during the large group Bible time, he immediately comes over to me. That was a little hard Wednesday night since I had another little boy sitting in my lap because he had hurt himself earlier. Of course, that meant that Nathan had to immediately come over and try to lay on me. Between the two boys flopped all over me, I was afraid I might never get up. We're still working on the whole separation anxiety thing with him. He's still having some trouble when Jeremy leaves him at school as well.
I enjoyed my group as well. We have 10 four year-olds in our group. Some of them are new this year, but there are a couple that are old hats at it. It was funny to watch. There are definitely some real leaders in the group. It's amazing to watch how this all works together. All of the groups move like well-oiled machines. As one group leaves a room, another one moves in to take it over. It is all completely necessary. Altogether, there are 770 people at Awana each Wednesday night. That includes both adults and kids. Then, when the Middle School kids get started next Wednesday, there will be almost 1500 people on campus every Wednesday night. No wonder we need a new building as soon as possible.
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