Sorry to all three readers who read this blog, because I never posted anything about Andrew's surgery on Friday. It went fabulously. He didn't go back until about 90 minutes after the scheduled time, but he was really good waiting in a little tiny room for a very long time without having eaten anything all day. They only time he would get really upset is when someone would come in. When they did finally come to take him back, they wanted him to ride in the guerney. That really set him off, so he went through the OR doors wailing. While it was upsetting, I know it didn't last for long, because the nurse had assured me that they put the babies under almost as soon as they are in for just that reason. After he left, I ran down to the cafeteria since I hadn't eaten in ages to grab lunch. In the time it took me to get my lunch, get back to the room, and eat one chicken strip, the tubes were in. The doctor came back to the room within 15 minutes to tell us it was done. They brought Andrew back about a half hour later, and 45 minutes after that we were able to head home! By the time we got home, he was already back to his normal, happy self. He ate a full supper that night and headed to bed with no problem. All in all, it went perfectly!
Now, if I could only get him to start talking. . .
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago