Thursday, May 28, 2009
I Get Excited over the Craziest Things
Why We Need a Schedule
It was my birthday today, so I was lazy. :-) I got up around 8:30 am. I wanted to get up earlier, but I closed my eyes thinking I'd doze for five more minutes and ended up sleeping soundly for over an hour. I am trying to make up for five months of sleep deprivation, so I guess I deserve a few mornings of sleeping in. Unfortunately, it set our whole schedule off, and I didn't really stick with it. So what happened?
Nathan had a HUGE meltdown just before supper. They started fighting over the computer (because I didn't end their computer time when I was supposed to), so I told them it was time to turn the computer off. Nathan was not happy with that decision, so he flipped out. I sent him to his room, and that set off his meltdown. It's really hard to cook supper when you're listening to someone yell, scream, and kick the door. He finally settled down enough to eat supper and then went outside after supper for a little down time by himself.
So, tomorrow, I'm going to be much better about sticking with our schedule. We are going out to lunch with some mom friends, and then I want to take them to the Crocs store (I can get Crocs for $5!), but once we get home, we're sticking to our schedule like glue for the next couple of days. We really need the structure around here.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
It's Summer Time!
The last day of school for the boys was last Wednesday. The school always has an end of the year picnic, and I was actually able to get some pictures of both Matthew and Nathan with their teacher.
Here's Matthew with Ms. Acton. He really enjoyed having her. Jeremy came to the picnic, but Matthew wanted to stay at school for the rest of the day because he wanted to stay with Ms. Acton. He also wrote her a really sweet note a couple of weeks before school let out which surprised both her and I since that is so NOT him. He likes to play things very cool, but I think that she really clicked with him. First grade was a great year for him.
I started something a little different today. I set up a schedule of playtime, TV time, outside time, and computer time for the boys. If you've read any of the Babywise books, you'll know where I've gotten it from. I've never done a schedule before with the older two, but this summer I knew we really needed one. Otherwise, they would have spent the whole summer either watching TV, playing on the computer, or fighting with each other. I also set up daily chores for them to do as well. It was so funny because after we had been working for about 40 minutes or so picking up and cleaning Matthew looks at me and says, "Daily chores are hard work!" I laughed and told him it's hard work keeping a house up. We didn't stick to the schedule 100% today, but it gave us a good place to start. Plus, Nathan was checking it every five minutes, so I could tell it was giving him the structure he really needs. And there was no fighting over the computer! For that alone, I'm happy I took the time to put one together.
Monday, May 25, 2009
He's Walking!!!
Here's some pictures of my little walker!
I'll update more about the start of summer tomorrow (when my summer actually starts), but here's a picture from Matthew's team party last night. This is the coach he's had for the last two years.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
End of Baseball
Matthew played on Wednesday, and his team lost 7 - 0. They really weren't even in the game. They looked like they were sleepwalking through a lot of it. I can't really explain why. It was just one of those games. They had to play Thursday, and while they played much better, they still lost 6 - 4. They were up 4 - 2 after the kid pitch, which is unusual, but they didn't field well or bat well during the coach pitch, which is also unusual. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Matthew was disappointed, but, as is his personality, he bounced back quickly. He's very laid back and doesn't get too up or too down. Our park offers a baseball league in the fall, and I think we'll sign him up for it. I probably won't sign Nathan up though. He just doesn't like baseball enough for me to justify the expense for him twice a year. He'll be much happier riding his scooter through the park while Matthew plays.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
It's Tourney Time!
Baseball for kids isn't supposed to be this exciting, is it?
Friday, May 8, 2009
First Haircut
He still wasn't completely happy after the haircut, so I wasn't able to get a picture at the salon, but I got one in the car on the way home. The style is pretty similar to what he had, but it's shorter and more styled. She suggested not cutting it too short since it's still pretty thin underneath and very fine. Plus, I didn't want his scar to show too much. (Or his still lumpy head for that matter!)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I Have a Movie Review!
This afternoon I went out with some moms from my moms group to go see Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. It's got Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner in it, and it was really good. It's a take-off of A Christmas Carol. Matthew McConaughey plays a player who dates girls for all of about 35 seconds before dumping them and thinks true love is for losers. During the weekend of his brother's wedding, the ghost of his uncle (who's played by Michael Douglas) tells him he'll be visited by three ghosts. I'm sure you can imagine how the story ends up, but even though you knew how the story was going to end, it was still entertaining to see it get there. Matthew McConaughey is really funny. I guess I never really imagined that he could do comedy, but there were some laugh out loud parts of this movie. I would definitely recommend it, but it's most definitely a chick flick since there's no explosions or action. (There is one car chase scene that had us in hysterics!)
The best part of the whole movie? The previews for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Only two months until it comes out! I've already pulled the book out to re-read it in anticipation of the movie.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Only twelve days left of school! The boys' summer vacation starts on May 21st. I have to work until May 26th. (Don't ask me my opinion about having to come back for one more post-planning day after Memorial Day.)